Saur Uttar Pradesh Portal is a groundbreaking web-based platform under the stewardship of the Uttar Pradesh New & Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA), a prominent government authority in Uttar Pradesh. This innovative platform has been meticulously designed for visionary investors and entrepreneurs with a strong interest in venturing into the realm of Solar Energy within the state. Here, you can explore a multitude of opportunities to establish Solar Energy projects in Uttar Pradesh, including:
Our user-friendly application empowers investors to embark on their journey seamlessly through an online registration process. This process enables them to provide vital project details, information about land allotment, and submit the requisite fees with ease.
Once the fee payment is successfully completed, application automatically channels the request to UPNEDA for further evaluation and processing. In the event that UPNEDA approves the request, it is forwarded to UPPTCL, if the electricity connection is required. Once the approval is received, the applicant is prompted to upload a Detailed Project Report (DPR) through their personalized login. Following the approval of the DPR by UPNEDA, a UPPTCL Connectivity Agreement to establish the project is generated, signed, and formalized between UPNEDA and the investor – all seamlessly facilitated by the portal.
In the event of UPNEDA declining the request at any stage of the process, the system provides an instant notification, with the application's status prominently displayed on the applicant's dashboard.
Along with, the Solar Energy Portal offers below features to enhance the investor experience :
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Integer rutrum leo et augue imperdiet, a fermentum justo ultricies. Quisque rutrum ipsum a ligula pretium, vitae laoreet ipsum consequat. Nulla vel gravida urna, sed euismod nibh. Suspendisse mauris ipsum, feugiat sed arcu vitae, auctor rhoncus nulla. Donec ac auctor sem. Integer a dignissim quam. Maecenas id tempor lorem, eget suscipit eros. Nulla et maximus tortor. Phasellus congue augue in aliquam tincidunt. Maecenas vehicula lacus leo, non feugiat ipsum iaculis sit amet. Etiam interdum dignissim aliquet. Nulla quis ante cursus, elementum odio eu, ultricies arcu.